Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dear Readers...

Happy Thursday! Wow, it really has been a LONG time since I have made a post. There is a lot to tell you guys, so now is the best time. Books, books, and more books! I haven't been the best at keeping up this blog, and I will be the first one to tell you that I am terrible when it comes to maintaining social media sites. It seems like every day another one is popping up. I am doing well enough with Facebook, my author page, Twitter, and now Google +. But, I will do my very best to work on that aspect :)

First and foremost, most of you know I am back to being in the Indie world. I couldn't be happier about this. It was a rough transition, but I was able to re-publish all my books and still finish Surpassing, Book 6 of the Scars and Sorrow Saga to release it December 1st. I am beyond lucky to have met so many incredible people that have helped me along this journey. I need to thank Deena, my formatter, for helping me. I don't know what I would do without her! She worked her ass off to get my books (5 to be exact) formatted to be be re-published. That is awesome!

In the midst of the beautiful chaos, Shadows, Book 3, got banned from Amazon. I am still unsure of why. I will never know the reason either other than Amazon claiming it to be the content. All of my books have the same clear disclaimer, yet the lightest and least offensive was banned. That day, people banded together and stood up for me. I had authors, readers, and bloggers sharing my books and I am so humbled and honored to be part of this community. It took a while, but Amazon eventually allowed for it to be back up on their platform under a different ASIN number. I lost all my reviews (which wasn't many because I had to re-publish from traditional to Indie anyway with a shortened title), but the process was still crazy. I would do it over a million times because it has molded me into a stronger writer and person.

Amongst all of that, I had surgery and have been off work for six weeks. For those of you that know me personally, you know that I never stop. I don't sleep much and when I am not working at my day job or caring for my boys, I am ALWAYS writing at nighttime. I am a busy person. I love to do things that make me happy, whether that is helping other people (which I do a lot), or creating tales to share with my readers. Being off for six weeks was something I was dreading, not because of the surgical pain. I was certain I could deal with that because I have been through enough to understand pain. However, it was wrapping my brain around not being able to do much. It was going to be a nightmare for sure. The first two weeks were physically draining, but I started to feel a lot better. I have multiple WIP on my computer and within the journals scattered about in my office. Suddenly, a chord was struck in my heart and I felt compelled to tell a story.

Compulsive writing was brought to the surface with a vengeance.

I had started Gwendolyn's story before, had roughly 12k words written. It was one that I was sure I would finish and release by summer, planning on a standalone novel only. Big things happened in that story and a lot has changed. Within one week, I finished that story. It was all I could do, eat, sleep, and bleed Gwendolyn's pain and fear. When I have a story that I want to tell, I generally don't stop until it is done. That is exactly what I did with Gwendolyn vs. the Band of Barren Hearts. The beautiful thing about this book is one major thing....

I feel damn good about it. I'm proud of all my stories, but there is a difference between Lyla's tale and Gwen's. I poured so much of myself into Lyla, it was hard to disassociate myself from her at times. With Gwen, I could live in her world and shut it down, then go back and relive it again when I wanted to tell the story. It was a lot easier for me to tell. Maybe that is what I am trying to say about Gwen's story, all I know is I am so excited to share it with everyone.

Make no mistake, it isn't fluffy. But, what of mine is? I stress the importance that nothing is what it seems. Real life is hard and it hurts. I think I made my point in Gwen's story, stating that the world's beastly ways can take a young person's mind by storm and alter it in ways that will change it incessantly. What a sad reality that is, but too often true.

There are so many people that have aided me along this course. I have stated it in the videos I have made that are on my facebook page. I have a blog tour coming up, which scares the shit out of me, but also excites me beyond measure. I've never put myself out there this much, but it is time to put fear aside and let my sparkle shine. Some people will appreciate it, some will hate it, and others will feel indifferent about it. I understand that and I'm willing to finally do it.

I have one last thing to say about Gwendolyn vs. the Band of Barren Hearts...

I know I planned on having a standalone, but things change. In the story, you will meet Welch. Something about his tormented soul was screaming out to me, saying tell my story. My heart was broken for him. After I finished Gwen's book, I was certain that their story wasn't over. I knew I had to tell his story as well because he has too much to say for it NOT to be told. Make no mistake, this won't be some long series like the Scars and Sorrow Saga (laughing behind the computer screen!). Rather, a hers and his book (a duet book). Monster #1 and Monster #2. You will understand the significance of those subtitles once you read Gwen's book.

I hope that you put her story on your TBR. It is one that deserves to be told. As always, live, laugh, love, and carpe diem! Until next time, (sooner rather than later).



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